We are sourcing from reported brand and company.
    The delivery charge is 70 taka inside Dhaka City. Outside Dhaka Delivery charge is 130 tk.
    Any Location of Bangladesh.
    You can call us +09611656720 or Inbox us In Facebook messenger and Instagram to contact with us.
    You can browse the site or use our search engine to find your desired products. Then you can cart your desired product(s) for submitting your order through your mobile number to get 4-digit PIN code. After submitting your delivery location & time and payment mode, our Customer Care Officer will contact you over phone to confirm your order and other information which you provided to us
    We deliver the product after one day. Delivery service open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. everyday. You can choose from available slots to find something that is convenient to you.
    We accept cash on delivery and we also have card payment and Online bkash, Nagad, Rocket and Bank Service.
    We are currently serving Any Location Of Bangladesh.
    Please immediately Call in our Whatsapp +8801736034649 and lets us inform the problem.
    We offer a refund or return policy of seven (7) days on most unopened or un spoilt Packaged products. If our customer finds out any problem of products, we replace it within 24 hours.
    We are sourcing from reported brand and company.
    We are always work with quality products that good for health. We are always offering a discount to customers to buy the product.
    Yes, you can order over the phone.

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